Here is something that I thought you would like to pass on to Richard and all the family:
Early on Sunday morning, 1 July 2012, I got a call asking for "Mrs. Harker". At first I thought the caller was asking for Polly, Ken Harker's wife, so I explained that she was at work. I asked if I could take a message for her. When the caller began to explain why he was calling, it began to dawn on me just who he was.
His name is Danny Brown. He is a firefighter with a Lakeview, Oregon Wild Fire Crew. He said that he and his crew had been released from fighting fires in Wyoming and they were on the road, heading back to Oregon last Saturday. Up ahead about a half mile, they saw a big dust cloud. As they came nearer, they realized the dust was what had been kicked up by a car accident. They pulled up to the scene and saw Jennie on the ground. Someone had covered her with a coat or blanket, but from her position they knew she was in bad shape. The firefighters are trained in first aid. Danny said he could tell that Jennie wasn't breathing. He was able to clear her airways and she began breathing. They did whatever they could do to assist at the accident scene until the ambulance arrived. Danny said that he and his crew had been worried sick about Jennie and her family all week after they returned home, but hadn't been able to get any information. He just wanted to know what had happened to the family, and especially to Jennie, after they left. I shared with him all I could about her condition, and that Richard and the children were in Salt Lake with Jennie. I also told him about Jennie's blog and the updates the family members are sharing there.
I didn't think to ask Danny how he got our phone number here in Mesa. I'm just glad he did. I told him how much the family would appreciate knowing that he had been there at just the right time, and helped save her life. I told him that they were angels that Heavenly Father had sent to be with Jennie and Richard when they were needed desperately. As has been said before, there are no coincidences, only tender mercies sent from heaven to comfort us when we are in trouble.
Love to you all,
Barbara Johnson (Polly's Mom) in Mesa, AZ
There are no coincidences indeed, I live in Lakeview Oregon and have Danny Brown's contact information if you would like to contact him further, my mother is Ann Macbeth, one of Jennie's Visiting Teachers.