Jen-erosity for Jennie

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Family and friends fast

We are inviting you to join us in a family fast this Sunday, July 1st. Jennie has been running a fever the last couple days. The Dr.'s and the family will be having a meeting that same Sunday, so we can use all the prayers we can get. Richard needs to attach his bank account to the PayPal and they aren't open on weekends, so hopefully Monday we can accept donations. Again thank you for all your love and support.


  1. We will be praying and fasting, thank you for sharing your plans, so we can join you all as you pray.

  2. We sure love Jennie and our thoughts, hearts and prayers are always with her. Bishop and I will certainly be fasting for her, Richard and the children! Give them our love, and if there is anything more we can do, please let us know. Jennie is my gardening buddy so we are going to run over and check on her flowers and garden. Sending prayers your way....Bishop and Sister Allen

  3. Absolutely we fast as well. Is the meeting with the Dr. and family to discuss her fever or something else?

  4. Thank you for the invitation. I'm Arlene's sis-in-law so I don't know Jennie and Richard. To add faith and fasting prayers on behalf of other sons and daughters of God is a blessing.

  5. Always in our prayers. And we will be fasting for her as well as Richard and the doctors in charge of her care.

  6. Our thoughts and prayers are continually with the Cornwall family. We will for sure be fasting and praying for them. Jennie gave us some Flowers to plant in our garden this year, and I can't help but think that as they are growing and flourishing, so too will she. She ha s been a great friend and example for me. Thank you for providing this blog!

  7. The Duke Family is fasting for Jenny and Richard also. This has been a faith inspiring experience for me, and I pray every day for my aunt Jenny. Chris and I were supposed to make the family reunion, but we were unable to. I know Heavenly Father had a plan because just a month and a half ago Chris and I were given the opportunity to stay with Richard and Jenny and get to spend some time with them. We love you and your sweet family, and we pray often with your names, and your needs in mind. There have been miracles, and I know there will continue to be miracles.
