Jen-erosity for Jennie

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Richard!

Today was a great day. Jennie is breathing on her own, with the ventilator only providing oxygen. She got her hair washed and fixed so she could look pretty and her face color was good. Today Richard turned 30 and we made sure he felt like an "old" man with lots of cane jokes etc. We convinced him to let us take him out to lunch knowing Jennie would want him to celebrate. Cheesecake and perfect strangers singing "Happy Birthday" made his day, well it made mine haha :) love you Richard!!


  1. I am so glad to hear that she is breathing on her own! What a miracle indeed! She will be very grateful that she is getting her hair washed and looking better! What a great sister you are!

  2. Aunt Arlene and Uncle Duane would like to wish Richard a very Happy Birthday. We love you and your family and are praying for the best for Jennie, you and your children.

  3. Happy Birthday a day late. Judy and I have had you and your family in our praryers.
